Ye, ye, last year we announced this in May but we are just busting this year! We even more hype than usual!
And the bands aren't holding back either - two bands from traditional August carnivals - Antigua's Myst and Barbados' Berger Boyz, have already launched, all in April... so why should we hold back!
In the words of Queen Fay-Ann ... let's go!
The Vincies and Lucians already have things well underway for their July carnivals which are July 5th & 6th and July 19th & 20th this year.
In SVG, Ahdrenalin is going hard with their presentation 'Western Mayhem- the Decline of Western Civilisation'. Check some of our faves.
[caption id="attachment_2273" align="aligncenter" width="270" caption="Material Girl (Photo credit:"]
[caption id="attachment_2274" align="aligncenter" width="270" caption="Wings of Hope"]
[caption id="attachment_2275" align="aligncenter" width="270" caption="Exotic Delusion"]
Interestingly enough, even though the eagle-eyed Saucy over at Trinidad Carnival Diary has picked up at least one remix from Trini band D'Krewe, with Ahdrenalin's Nights of Debauchery being a dead ringer for D'Krewe's Sorceror, that costume was not even near our favourite so I guess it just goes to show...
Check out some more of our faves from St. Lucia Carnival's Just for Fun and their reimagining of the Great Loves of the Past under the cut.
[caption id="attachment_2276" align="aligncenter" width="258" caption="Dr. Zhivago"]
[caption id="attachment_2278" align="aligncenter" width="253" caption="Bonnie & Clyde"]
[caption id="attachment_2277" align="aligncenter" width="252" caption="Paris and Helena"]
Up North, London's Notting Hill Carnival bands are also launching and Bacchanal Mas was one of the first out the gates. Their presentation this year is called Traditions and we're loving it, even though it too has its detractors on TCD. Someone said slyly that they should call it Traditions of Tribe - an obvious reference to Tribe's 2007 'Old Time Something' which we featured and praised here on Islandista some years ago.
Here are two sections we especially loved - Pierrot Grenade (LOVE the headpiece interpretation!) and (blue?) Devils.
[caption id="attachment_2279" align="aligncenter" width="284" caption="Devils Frontline"]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="294" caption="Pierrot Grenade headpiece"]
And here is how they translated in person at the band's launch a fortnight ago in London-town.
[caption id="attachment_2282" align="aligncenter" width="294" caption="Devils Frontline"]
[caption id="attachment_2283" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Pierrot Grenade"]
[...] was “goodie! gorgeous wing-like arm pieces” – which islandista readers would know by now is a costume weakness of ours, second only to (say it all together now) lavishly feathered [...]